Angels Unlimited "Winging It"
Layla Queen of Hearts
Witch "The Light of Meridian"
Witch "Out of the Dark"
Witch "The Last Tear"
EJ 12 Girl Hero "On the Ball"
EJ 12 Girl Hero "Hot & Cold"
One Weird Week
The Girl in the Window
Dear Dumb Diary "My Pants are Haunted"
A Handfull of Magic
Castle of Shadows
The Silver Horse
The Butterfly in Amber
The Herb of Grace
Atlantis Adventure
Horrid Henry Robs The Bank
Horrid Henry and the Mega Mean Time Machine
Horrid Henry and the Bogey Babysitter
Hirrid Henry's Christmas Cracker
Ages 1 to 6
Ages 7 to 10
Ages 10 to Teen's